Note: This article is only applicable to
Campaign Start Time:
Our platform is almost automated but start time depends on the service you buy. Start time is already indicated in the name of the service itself.
For Example: In "Buy Facebook Website Likes [10M] [1H - 50K/D - R30]" service, start time is 1H i.e 1 hour.
Note: Start time is indicative but we do NOT guarantee the same.
Campaign Delivery Speed:
Our platform is almost automated but delivery speed depends on the service you buy. Delivery speed is already indicated in the name of the service itself.
For Example: In "Buy Facebook Website Likes [10M] [1H - 50K/D - R30]" service, delivery speed is 50K/D i.e 50K per day.
Note: Delivery speed is indicative but we do NOT guarantee the same.
Campaign Delivery Time:
You can calculate Delivery Time of a campaign/order with the help of Start Time, Delivery Speed and Total Count as follows:-
Delivery Time = [Start Time] ➕ ----------------- ✖️ [Total Count]
[Delivery Speed]
Where Total Count = Total amount that you have purchased while creating the campaign
Note: Take care of units, Start Time is generally given in Hour but Delivery Speed is given in per Day.
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